Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are becoming increasingly popular in hospitals, despite the challenges of navigating narrow corridors and crowded environments. These robots are designed to handle tasks like delivering sterile instruments, transporting medications, and even assisting with telemedicine. This frees up nurses and other staff to focus on patient care.
AMRs use advanced sensors, AI, and communication tools to move safely around people and obstacles. They can adapt to changing conditions and find the most efficient routes. Unlike older automated guided vehicles (AGVs), AMRs can navigate within hospital wards and interact directly with patients. Their versatility allows them to be used for a variety of tasks, from transporting supplies to disinfecting rooms with UV-C light. As AI technology advances, AMRs are becoming even more helpful, performing tasks like assisting lab technicians with repetitive procedures.
"AMRs can use all this digitized sensor data to build a map of their location to calculate their position and adapt their movement accordingly." By automating routine tasks, AMRs can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance patient care in hospitals.
Robotics and Automation News.